Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Sadly, I will be going back to work next week. :( The last 5 months off with Lorelei have been the most special in my life and I feel lucky to have had so much time off to spend with her. Todd's also had the last 3 weeks off, so we've enjoyed some extra-special time together as a family this summer. We've filled it with lots of trips to the lake house, swimming, and playing with Lorelei at home, watching her grow and learn literally before our eyes. It's been nice to finally get outside more over the last 2 weeks as the temperature is no longer scalding, and she is happy to run a couple miles with me in the jogging stroller.

Todd started a new job this week that's much closer to home and working with a slightly different population of students that he is very excited about. I will be going back to the primary school in my district this year to teach kindergarten resource. I'm thrilled to be back with my old friends and with the little ones, but I made some great friends at the junior high last year and my kids were so much fun, so it's generally a bittersweet time for me. I've been doing my best to soak up every moment with Lorelei and prepped 3 weeks worth of frozen meals so I won't have to worry about dinner and can maximize my time with her in the evenings as I make my transition back to work.

It's amazing how much Lorelei is learning through exploration and play. (Vygotsky was right!) Sophie the giraffe is a favorite. Here are a few shots of some play time on the quilt her great aunt made for her. The adorable outfit is also a gift from Auntie and Laura who spoil her rotten!

Check out that push-up! She's going to be on the move soon!

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