Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Lorelei had a great Halloween. When I got home from work we changed her into her costume and waited for the trick-or-treaters to arrive. After the first round of kids came, she was so excited for "more kids" to come I couldn't pull her away from the bowl of candy. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't great so we did not get as many visitors as usual. She was very good at passing out the candy though and I was impressed that none of the costumes freaked her out since her reaction to most of the decorations in the neighborhood is a very clear, "NO THANKS!"

After Todd got home, we took her to a few houses to do her own trick-or-treating but made the rookie mistake of starting at our friends' houses where we stopped inside to chat and play for a little bit, so Lorelei thought we would be exploring every house and was asking to go into strangers' homes. Awkward!

Once we got home, she did manage to get through a Butterfinger wrapper, but told on herself immediately before saying, "Mmmmm! Yummy!"  Even with the taste of chocolate and peanut butter on her tongue, the highlight of the night was definitely the package of cheese balls she got from the house across the street. How bad is it that I didn't want her to have them because I couldn't stop thinking of Honey Boo Boo's cheese ball obsession?

During dinner, she grabbed my arm, rested her head on it and said, "Tired!" After a full morning of kindergarten and first grade Halloween parties, an afternoon of meetings, and tonight's events, I couldn't agree more!

"More kids?"

Thumb in the mouth is never a good sign this early in the evening! They weren't feeling the photo shoot. 

Best buddies!

"Trick or Treat!" and now I'll come in.

Playing at BFF Dylann's house.

With her guard dog.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pumpkin Farm

We had a fantastic start to the long weekend! This morning, we headed to the pumpkin farm and arrived right when they opened and had the place to ourselves for quite a while. Lorelei had so much fun checking out all of the animals and rides. We stayed for a couple hours, chose our pumpkin, and pulled away just as the first rain drops started to fall. We capped off our busy morning with a stop at Portillo's and after lunch, we spent the rest of this dreary afternoon taking a deserved nap. Next on the list: Jack-o-lantern carving!

Loved the wagon!

Can't believe all the geese!

What a good Daddy! Todd did not realize getting up there would be so difficult!

Mama's turn!

This was the "mini" slide. I seriously don't think I could have handled the thrill of the big slide!

Not so sure about the hayride.


Water (and coffee) break!

They had a moment.

Pumpkin time! (The wagon may have been the highlight).

Tough decisions.

Time for lunch and a nap!