Sunday, July 22, 2012

4 Months

Lorelei is 4 months old and is a very busy girl. She loves jumping in her jump-a-roo and is getting very strong! She loves to sit up with some help or in the Bumbo, and really enjoys standing while holding our hands so she can think about how awesome walking will be when she's a little bigger. She is 14 pounds and still in the 97th percentile for length; she's grown 4 inches in 4 months! We think she's starting to get some teeth as she's gnawing on everything and has a steady stream of drool spilling from her mouth all day, but there's nothing to see or feel in there yet. Lorelei is great at blowing raspberries, which helps spread that drool around, and now she reaches for and grabs everything to really make sure we have an adequate layer of slime on all surfaces. She is also starting to belly laugh, especially when Daddy sings silly songs. Occasionally she will randomly laugh just looking at our faces, which makes us self-conscious.

Lorelei is now sleeping in her own room but we bring her into our bed when she wakes up around 3 or 4am. She snuggles up and goes back to sleep for a couple hours, but squeals and screams and kicks, (poor Greta has gotten clobbered a few times) to let us know she is AWAKE around 5 or 6am. One of my favorite things about waking up with her each morning is the way she coos and carries on, and then takes a break to look up at my face to see if my eyes are open. She giggles and gets the biggest grin on her face when I finally come-to and make eye-contact.  Hard not to smile with that kind of greeting each morning!

Here's our sweet baby:

Laughing at Daddy

Gimme that!

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